Relative Date - Calculate a date relative to a given base date
This action starts from a given base date (or today), changes it by any given
number of years, months and/or days, and calculates the resulting date.
Typical usage examples: Get yesterday, tomorrow, same day next month,
3rd anniversary of a specific date, etc.
Notice: Some "pathological" cases may occur due to the fact that
some years have 28 days in February and some have 29
(e.g. Februray 29th + 1 year - 1 day = February 27 of the next year,
which some people may consider wrong).
Triggers [none required]
The action's template has 4 triggers, but the action can be used
without any of then (and even with no triggers at all):
<Base Date> (non-repetitive date trigger [not required]):
The base date relative to which the required date is calculated. If not
specified, the current date according to the server's clock (today) is
used as base date.
<Years> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [not required]):
Number of years to add to <Base Date> (negative if the
required date is earlier than <Base Date>).
<Months> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [not required]):
Number of months to add to <Base Date> (can be negative
to go several months back from <Base Date>).
<Days> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [not required]):
Number of days to add to <Base Date> (can be negative
to go several days back from <Base Date>).
Exit [required]
<Date> (non-repetitive date exit [required]):
The calculated date (can be earlier or later than <Base Date>).
Notice: With no triggers, this action returns the current date
(same as Today).
Usage Examples
Test1 (need to complete)